Thursday, September 8, 2011

Basic Partition of Linux

There are certain basic partitions which are required in LINUX.
/ROOT: - This is the primary  directory in the Linux and it is the always the first drive  in the Linux .This is the neccessory drive which  should always we made and it contains all the basic partition in it.
/BOOT: - It is the partition which contains all the booting files.
/SWAP: - Swap is the partition which provides the extra space so that we can perform the task easily we can say that is provides additional space towards.
/VAR: - It is used for variable data.
/www: - It provides all kind of are services to us.
/usr: - It is the provide additional network services to us.
/Home: - It is the partition which has been to do all kinds changes in drives we have made.

Citrix xen App port Numbers

ICA: 1494 Session reliability: 2598 IMA: 2512 (Server to server) 2513 (Server to console) XML: 80 when integrated with IIS can be configu...