Thursday, September 8, 2011

How boot Linux





               Initialize network & peripherals and search for executable code in first sector of                                                                    define & detected.

MBR (master boot record)                      
         First 512 byte of disk MBR programmed takes 446 byte partition table &66 byte grub take                                                                                                 change loads Linux kernel.                  

         Kernel detects network and peripheral loads hardware drivers and than gives its control                             to to the limit.

                   Init is the master of a UNIX system. Init a certain run level from /etc/init .        

    Run Level
             After init all the run level will come it is the place where the login prompt will come  and                                                                           we   want .

Citrix xen App port Numbers

ICA: 1494 Session reliability: 2598 IMA: 2512 (Server to server) 2513 (Server to console) XML: 80 when integrated with IIS can be configu...